Outreach and Services

Department of Livestock Production and Management

  1. Advisory Member in Animal production related matters of TTD - S.V foundation for indigenous cattle, Palamaner.
  2. Member of Health Advisory Committee of S.V. Zoological Park, Tirupati.
  3. RASS (Rastriya Seva Samiti)- STEP Project - Technical Member assisting Animal Husbandry related activities.
  4. Nominated as Member of “CONTINGENCY CELL” regarding disaster management for the state of A.P. under the operation of SVVU and ICAR – CRIDA.
  5. Preparation of Pasuvignana panchangam released in the year 2017.
  6. Acting as editor for the SVVU Official Journal, Journal of Animal Health Production and Technology.
  7. The department staff act as subject matter specialists in training programmes conducted by Centre for Continuing Veterinary Education and AICRP on pigs existing in the campus every year.
  8. Regular training programmes for farmers in modern methods of Dairy cattle management and production.

Department of Livestock Products Technology

The Department avails high profile technical expertise in conducting training programmes to farmers, self help groups, small-scale entrepreneurs, public and suitable stakeholders in the field of:

  • Scientific slaughter procedures
  • Value-added milk and meat products
  • Food and Dairy Melas and Kisan Melas
  • Milk and Meat processing
  • Hygienic slaughter and further processing of food animals and birds

Department of Veterinary Extension

  • Organization of farm & home visits and field visits with the students to provide first hand information to the students and to ascertain the needs of the livestock farmers in person.
  • Organization of field demonstrations to prove the university technologies even under field conditions and make the farmers to adopt the same.
  • Organization of method demonstration to introduce new skills and/or to improve the existing skills among livestock farmers on various aspects of livestock farming.
  • Organization of on campus and off campus training programmes in different aspects of livestock production and management for the benefit of the livestock farmers and farm women.
  • Organization of campaign and exhibitions at farmers’ places to make them informed about the technology and disseminate the same.
  • Carrying out the practical application of PRA tools towards need identification and easy inculcation of latest technologies.
  • Carrying out the regular educational and extension activities for the benefit of students and livestock farmers, respectively.
  • Providing 24×7 advisory services (Toll Free Number: 1800 120 4209) to the livestock farmers and entrepreneurs towards improving the potentials of livestock farming.
  • Carrying out the technology assessment and refining the same towards its feasibility and applicability for adoption under field conditions.
  • Organization of Kisan Mela to create awareness and educate farmers about latest farming technologies and recent developments in livestock and allied fields and to inform farmers about ongoing research in various aspects of livestock farming and to enable farmers to discuss with University scientists about problems relating to livestock and allied aspects directly as well as to provide an opportunity for the farmers to directly contact input manufacturers, dealers, and also to know about latest inputs, technologies, equipment etc. available in market.
  • Taking up the process of selection of adopted village (There should be no factions and feuds, while acceptability and cooperation of the farmers are prime requisites and village should not be a big or small in size), to improve the overall economic status of the livestock farmers and farm women, through technological interventions and farming systems approach.

Department of Veterinary Gynecology & Obstetrics

Extension activities
  • Department staff actively participates in fertility camps in rural areas and advise the farmers in the field of reproduction.
  • Department staff also extends technical help to the dairy farms located in and around Tirupati as and when required.
  • Dr. K. Mouli Krishna, Professor and HOD who is instrumental in standardising “Non-manual removal of RFM” seriously involved in disseminating the same to field veterinarians and farmers.

Department of Veterinary Public Health and Epidemiology

Extension activities
  • The farmers from different villages are trained on the benefits of Clean milk productin, hygienic practices during milk production chain in collaboration with NGO’s like RASS.
Wholesome and Disease Free Meat Production
  • The butchers in and around Tirupati are being educate by the department about pre slaughter care, hygienic maintenance of meat shops and equipment, hygienic handling of carcasses of food animals which are very essential for wholesome and disease free (zoonoses) meat production.
Awareness Campaigns
  • During the outbreak of Anthrax in Chittoor district the staff of this department involved in conducting ante mortem and post mortem examination of food animals in the Municipal slaughterhouse, Tirupati till such time the confidence is instilled in the public regarding the wholesomeness and disease free meat production.
  • During the time of Avian Influenza outbreak in our country the department is pioneering in dispelling the myth about the occurrence of avian influenza in Andhra Pradesh and developed confidence among the poultry farmers and meat consumers. The impact of chemical residues such as pesticides and antibiotics livestock products on human health was published in Telugu for the benefit of public.
  • Conducting ABST for clinical samples of mastitis cases regularly by the department sent by Clinical Complex.